so long blogspot
sorry i keep on switching blogs...but i think this is my final switch. i'm on wordpress now and no longer using revoir
sorry i keep on switching blogs...but i think this is my final switch. i'm on wordpress now and no longer using revoir
Posted by
5:11 PM
so should i switch over to wordpress and desert Blogspot? hm...what do you guys think?
Posted by
1:32 PM
so i'm stuck in bed sick. sometimes i enjoy being sick though....i think maybe it's God trying to tell me to slow down.
so proud of myself. actually brewed my first pot of Chinese chicken was yummalicious. made ginger, brown sugar and sweet potato soup as well. : )
for my lovely supporters out there...i've finally started my first newsletter to be sent out to you all. i was planning on writting nice little personal notes in them this weekend...but i got sick. I'll get them out to you all very soon! also i'm including sermons by Bill Johnson and some IHOP worship sets in there as well.
Please pray for me:
-healing and full restoration for my body
-God will reveal His Word to me-i've been hitting a wall studying His word
-become more disciplined in my studies and in my spiritual life.
thanks all : )
Posted by
12:51 PM
Labels: prayer please
thank You Jesus! it's been in the 60s or high 50s the past few days here in KC....
necessaties to enjoy this beautiful, temporary (sadly), weather:
flip flops
opened windows in the house and while you drive as well. if you have sun roof...pop that baby open!
cup of good coffee
a good book (may i suggest "the way of the heart" by Henri Nouwen)
some good tunes (Buena Vista Social Club or Henri Salvador)....or you can just sit with your windows opena nd listen to the leaves and the birds that are confused by the sudden change in weather.
baking something is great! fill your house with sweets smells of muffins or cookies. i baked banana muffins yesterday (it was from a box...not from scratch : )
enjoy the lovely weather all....
Posted by
11:37 AM
some things that have been pricking my heart to vigilance
Western Christians spend 99.9% of their income on themselves, .09% on the evangelized non-Christian world, and .01% on the unevangelized world.
“If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.” Mark 9:35
how funny that continual lie still stands in my heart...the false idea that i only need to hear a specific verse once, and it's alive in me. But I need to hear it again and again and again and again and again....Lord make Your words ALIVE in my life.
random Death Cab for Cutie song that put to words how I feel right now...but only not in an emo/depressed way, longing for God rather than man...
"The distance is quite simply much too far for me to row
It seems farther than ever before
Oh no.
I need you so much closer
I need you so much closer
I need you so much closer
I need you so much closer
So come on, come on"
James 4:7-9
Humility Cures Worldliness
7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom.
God is good to me...though my heart is feeling far away from Him...He is still blessing me. One of my friends is sending me a large check : ) Praise the Lord for always providing for me. He knows what I need even before I ask...thank You Daddy...I love You
i think i just wrote a Haiku...hahahahahaha
Posted by
6:47 PM
Labels: Higher than my thoughts
Happy Chinese New Year. The Chinese got together at Mary Jean and Tony's tonight and partied like it's 1999. Carolin and her mom made dumplings from SCRATCH!!! yumalicious is all i have to day. Jiun is an awesome cook as well....I brought stir fry and....cupcakes hahahaha. i still have much to go in becoming a top chef. sigh*
there are moments where i HAVE to leave IHOP and regain some hung out with Heather on Saturday and checked out KC's art museum. good times...good times..
funny how so much art and music were commissioned by the church...but even then the church was lukewarm. Compare that to today....musicians and artists look to the world rather than the church to create. But one thing good about that is the pieces that Christian artists create nowadays are more for their own devotion to God rather than a king breathing down their neck telling them which color to paint and where to paint.
getting framed
what can I say...i'm random.
interesting title to a piece at First Friday...when galleries in Kansas City open for the public for free viewings all night : )
random interesting kids heather and I saw at First Friday. we asked if we could take their pictures...they're adorable!
adorable stuffed animal at Anthropolgie being sold at an indecent price...
Posted by
12:54 AM
Labels: you mean like on vaca?
Quotes taken from Bob Sorge's book, "Secrets of the Secret Place"
“Intimacy precedes insight. Passion precedes purpose. First comes the secret place, then comes divine guidance. God doesn’t simply want to get you on the right path, He wants to enjoy you throughout the journey. God’s primary desire for your life is not that you discover His will and walk in it; His primary desire is that you draw near to Him and come to know Him” (pg 32) I want to be one who is a friend of God who knows that I can ask with confidence for His promises reserved for another generation.
“However, the Lord doesn’t want us getting our direction from looking outward but from looking upward. He wants us receiving life direction bye beholding His beauty, enjoying His majesty and splendor, and then being guided by the gaze of His eye . . . Gaze upon His mouth until He speaks to you. Look into His eye until His glance directs the way in which you should walk” (32, Sorge).
Too often I divert my eyes, look down as a slave and ask Him to direct me. It is when I gaze into His beauty, fix my cold, hardened heart before His burning jealous love, allow His love as strong as death (Song of Solomon 8: 6) to consume and seal me, that is when I will LIVE His will; I don’t want to walk a shallow Christian life, bending my body to artificially contrive His commandments, lacking any real conviction to live body, soul and Spirit in violent pursuit of His heart.
My heart in His hands rather than in my own, my heart in His hands…letting Him shape my heart to pulsate with His rather than the rhythm of this world, that’s where true gospel will be preached from the inside out. Let THAT, be the cry of my entire being.
Posted by
10:13 PM